Vogue Italia 1997 feat. Angela Lindvall I love when older fashion editorials still feel so relevant. The minimalism, the strappy shoes, that leopard bikini...all things I could see in editorials today yet this just has that perfect vintage touch.
Harnesses and restraints have been a running trend for the past few years, and in the newly released book, Design Behind Desire, they get a lengthy examination along with other fetishistic accessories. The stunning hardcover, part of a new series of art, fashion, and design books from Farameh Media, is a comprehensive survey of work from contemporary designers whose pieces are either overtly or covertly erotic. Naturally, Fleet Ilya's revised Hannibal Lecter style mask makes the cut, along with Bliss Lau's leather and metal body armor, and Betany Vernon's cheeky and lux jewels. While the focus is mainly on designers working now, recent work is juxtaposed against classic fetish pieces like Meret Oppenheim's fur coffee cup. Gathered together in one book, all the objects explore the different facets of desire, and even if whips and bondage aren't your cup of tea, you're bound to find something between the covers that inspires serious material lust.
Fleet Ilya Mask. Photograph by Justin Borbely.
Cuff and bodychain by Bliss Lau.
Pearl Massage ring by Betany Vernon. Pearl restraints by Kiki de Montparnasse.
Gold Leaf Shakti Mirror by Mark Brazier-Jones. Divorce Ring by Gisele Ganne.
Mariacarla never fails to amaze me--she is one of the first models I learned about when I started browsing thefashionspot and reading vogue when I was 14, and seriously, she just keeps getting better!
So here it is! My shoot I did with Diesel for Grazia, that's out in this weeks issue. It was such a great experience working with the whole team, I truly enjoyed the day as I was given free hands on the styling and overall look.
What do you guys think? my favorite photo is the first one, funny enough that is was a test shot and first photo of the day. Luck....? No, good teamwork.
Thanks goes to the whole Diesel and Grazia team, it was a pleasure working with you all!
My picks for this week's top blogger looks are now up! Head on over to FASHION SALADE to check out each blogger's full look from head-to-toe. If you have any cool personal style blogs you'd like me to check out- let me know!
Ohhhh the fedora - a go-to on bad hair days, the perfect accomplice to help you hide from the world, a kepi warmer during winter months, a summer staple and a street style win. With so much to offer Soph and I figured why not tszuj one up for our latest DIY?
All you need is a hat, feathers, some glue, scissors and approximately 20 minutes. Easy peasy.
For more detailed instructions on our feather fedora headright this way! Photos: because im addicted for stylehive
With Thanksgiving over and Christmas right around the corner, I realized the other day that I need to start thinking about my new years dress! Last year I wore an amazing Elizabeth and James black cocktail dress, but this year I'm thinking maybe I'll go a little crazier. Have you guys started thinking about new years? Tell me your plans!
Nothing like wearing bright colors when the skies are gray--winter doesn't have to be all about dark colors. Just take your summer outfits and add tights and a jacket! (east coasters, I live on the west coast, can you tell?)
Last week, I was invited to HARRY WINSTON on 5th Avenue for lunch and to check out their iconic engagement ring collection. The moment I stepped through the door I was in diamond heaven! I was given the opportunity to create my dream engagement ring with Harry Winston designers. My dream design would then be sketched for me to take home. I got to see every diamond cut and setting imaginable. I mean, I just about died slipping these rings on my finger! Seriously, the most sparkling beauties I have ever seen! The design I fell in love with was a classic three-carat, round brilliant diamond solitaire ring ♥
We then headed to Harry Winston's old private office (via his tiny personal elevator!), where we were greeted with a delicious elderflower cocktail- one of the best I've ever had! Over cocktails, I got to watch the beautiful video I exclusively posted for you above, showing the design making process of these engagement rings from beginning to end. Ring making is truly an art!
Over the three course lunch we chatted about the diamonds and got to hear some great stories about Harry Winston's history, their charity involvement, and hear about some amazing celebrity and royal encounters. Before leaving, I was presented with my personalized engagement ring sketch- a perfect souvenir that I will make sure to show my boyfriend every chance I get! ;)
Overall, I truly appreciated the personalized experience and getting to learn more about the history and art behind these creations. I want to send out a huge thank you to the Harry Winston team for one of the dreamiest afternoons I've ever had!
Head on over to HARRY WINSTON to check out all of their engagement rings. I dare you not to fall in love with one!
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Elle & Harry Winston. The opinions, as always, are my own.