The Anatomy of Desire

Una Burke pants. Photograph by Diego Indraccolo.

Harnesses and restraints have been a running trend for the past few years, and in the newly released book, Design Behind Desire, they get a lengthy examination along with other fetishistic accessories.  The stunning hardcover, part of a new series of art, fashion, and design books from Farameh Media, is a comprehensive survey of work from contemporary designers whose pieces are either overtly or covertly erotic.  Naturally, Fleet Ilya's revised Hannibal Lecter style mask makes the cut, along with Bliss Lau's leather and metal body armor, and Betany Vernon's cheeky and lux jewels.  While the focus is mainly on designers working now, recent work is juxtaposed against classic fetish pieces like Meret Oppenheim's fur coffee cup.  Gathered together in one book, all the objects explore the different facets of desire, and even if whips and bondage aren't your cup of tea, you're bound to find something between the covers that inspires serious material lust.

Fleet Ilya Mask. Photograph by Justin Borbely.

Cuff and bodychain by Bliss Lau.

Pearl Massage ring by Betany Vernon. Pearl restraints by Kiki de Montparnasse.

Gold Leaf Shakti Mirror by Mark Brazier-Jones. Divorce Ring by Gisele Ganne.

Aoi Kotsuhiroi boots.
